A Journey of Self -Development — Positive Reflection

The Brainiac Blogosphere
2 min readJun 5, 2021


Here is a story of myself just before joining the Amal Academy, I was that kind of person who never believes in himself that’s why he easily gave up. I had never believed that such a self-discovery type of thing exists. I was just racing like anyone else to be on the top no matter whether I’m learning or not. Like anyone else, I had the same values, the values that never brought me anywhere but only took me into more anxiety or depression. I didn’t even realize that those values are superstitious and never be remained all the time. I had never set the goals that I wanted to accomplish which I was living a life of a robot that is programmed to do a degree, get a job and make a lot of money with zero feelings and didn’t exactly have any idea that why I was doing this. Simply, I had no purpose in life that what should I do and what shouldn’t.

Fortunately, I got a chance to join Amal Academy, a three-month beautiful journey of self-development. I had no idea about that program so much but aware about the program was based on building soft skills and career preparation. So, I got enrolled, gave an interview, and successfully got selected.

It starts with self-discovery which was about knowing yourself, your values, your strengths and weaknesses, your life-map, and so on. In the race of being at first or being the one, I had never taken the time to learn about myself that what I value, and where I find peace.

So, in those three months, I have learned a lot. Every activity, project work, learning group discussions, weekly sessions, one-on-one sessions, mock interviews gave me a lot. I came to know that everyone has flaws and no one is perfect that is the quality of being human. We learn from our mistakes. Also, Family is important, at Amal we were like a family, we helped each other, laughed together, sometimes fail together and share with each other what we are going through.

Finally, a beautiful journey has come to an end. A journey with beautiful people, a journey with a lot of ups and downs, a journey with lifelong learnings, a journey to strive for the best, a journey to show leadership, and a journey for self-discovery is going to end soon with a lot of memories and propositions.

