AMAL TOTKAY(Growth Mindset Toolkit)

The Brainiac Blogosphere
3 min readApr 9, 2021


No matter what, people grow. If you chose not to grow, you’re staying in a small box with a small mindset. People who win go outside of that box. It’s very simple when you look at it. — Kevin Hart

For those who choose to grow, nothing can break their confidence in order to achieve anything. People with a growth mindset, believe in their selves no matter how many times they fail or how many hardships they faced, they will definitely achieve their goals.

By attempting many mindset surveys, I get to know that I am more in a Fixed mindset that keeps pulling me back. During Amal Fellowship, I have been introduced to these 5 Amal Totkays to develop a Growth Mindset:

01) Self Talk:

This is one of my favorites. Conversations with ourselves have a direct influence on our mindset. Our thoughts create our reality whether it is negative or positive, we are the reflection of our own thoughts. If you have a fixed mindset it will hold you back from the life you want.
To upgrade your mindset, positive self-talk is necessary because it empowers us. Do tell yourself that “YOU CAN DO THIS, NO ONE CAN STOP YOU”.
Some of the healthy self-talk is shown in the picture.

02) Get Out of your Comfort Zone:

Fixed mindsets are always in their comfort zone they never come out and they accepted the way they are. For a Growth Mindset, test yourself by putting yourself in difficult situations where you have no choice but to rise and that is the point where the change begins.

“You never change your life until you step out of your comfort zone; change begins at the end of your comfort zone.”
Roy T. Bennett

03) Create New Habits:

Try to implement more healthy and productive habits in your daily day routine because it helps to change your mindset. Learn new things on daily basis or make a proper schedule for learning.
Noting your daily learning and achievements every day also changes your mindset as well.

04) Ask People Help:

Find your closest ones, the ones that you have trust in them, and ask them how you are changing in terms of functioning and interacting with people. Their constructive feedback is more valuable that whether you are on the right path or not.

05) Fake It till you Make it:

According to the Law of Attraction Movement, positive or negative thoughts bring positive or negative experiences in someone’s life. Faking it for the good reason can change you for the better. Acting as if you were confident and competent in an area where you are not exactly in reality but will eventually lead to improved confidence and competence.

