An Initiative for Everyday Leadership

The Brainiac Blogosphere
2 min readApr 2, 2021


Earn your leadership every day — Michael Jordan

In this busy life, where everyone is struggling to reach the top of the cliff while ignoring their surroundings to become more successful or to become a leader.

Those who inspire others, those who don’t wait for authority but take the responsibility to make a positive change in their surroundings or in someone’s life are the true leaders.

This is how my Everyday Leadership starts by noticing small things that need to be fixed. While studying in my room, I kept searching that for where I should start and suddenly I have looked into the study table which was completely messed up with the unusual stuff lying on the table. The below picture shows the state before cleaning and managing all the stuff.

Before Cleaning and Managing
Before Cleaning and Managing

Notebooks and books must be in their proper place, used masks must be in the dustbin, headphones must be hung, and there is some free space on the table, not all the things placed on the table.

I have placed notebooks and books in their place, then dusted the computer components, and remove all the unnecessary stuff to make free space. Here is how it turns into it.

I was thinking about it for the last two weeks but due to laziness, I had never dared to start.

Leadership can be practiced at any moment of your life by simply doing small acts of kindness. We shouldn’t wait for someone who gives us the authority to make a change. If you have something to give, give it now either it is your money, time, presence, etc. Be the first to make a positive change. Peace!

