An Unforgettable Journey

Visualizing my Experience

The Brainiac Blogosphere
2 min readJun 11, 2021

Our journey with the Amal Academy has come to an end with our heaviest hearts and unforgettable memories. The journey which I’ll never be going to forget, the journey full of ups and downs, and the journey full of beautiful people is going to end just after a week.

A Sunny Day — The Day that will never be forgotten

A Sunny Day

With the new day comes new strength and new thoughts.
Eleanor Roosevelt

Let’s refresh some of the moments from the first two weeks of this delightful trip. It was the day when I got an email from Amal that you’ve been selected for fellowship for the next three months. I was really excited about that roller coaster ride but didn’t have any idea about it will be done.

It was a sunny day but full of excitement about the fellowship. We did a lot of group assessments with fellow fellows like Ice-break activity, rules & regulations, our life maps, and also discuss Edhi Sahab’s life struggles that how he started from just a few resources by selling pencils, pens, pots, newspapers to 8x8 ft dispensary store then buying a blue van in order to help someone who is in need. We can learn from his value to serve humanity. The importance of Amal’s 4 Principles of Progress (Amal, Khudi, Kam Kam Kam, Ek aur ek Gyara) in our life to achieve anything and from Edhi Sahab’s life, we have learned a lot.

Takeaways from Edhi Sahab’s Documentary

My first interaction with some fellows when we were deciding our personal and professional goals and their whys was unforgettable.

In the race of being at first or to be the best, we forget about our personal growth that is as important as our field of interest. During these three months, I have seen a lot of improvement in myself like effectively communicate, have cleared life goals, developed a growth mindset, prepared for the interview process, how to go Extra-mile, and many more.

