Eat that Frog with a Pomodoro

The Brainiac Blogosphere
2 min readApr 17, 2021


What Pomodoro Technique is?

Pomodoro in Italian means tomato. It is an effective Time Management secret, thinking in tomatoes rather than hours. It may be silly at first but millions of people get affected by this life-changing technique.

This method includes multiple Pomodoros, focused work sessions with short breaks for a quick refreshment.

It has the following steps:
Step-01: Pick a task
Step-02: Set a timer for 25 minutes
Step-03: Work on the task until the timer is up
Step-04: Take a break for 2–5 minutes
Step-05: Repeat until the tasks are completed
Step-06: For every 4 Pomodoros, take a long break for 20–25 minutes

During the previous days, I’ve been facing issues about not being attentive to any tasks and can’t get things done. I’ve been introduced to this technique to overcome the procrastination that is more useful in accomplishing our tasks even during writing this blog I am using the same technique.

For 2 weeks, I was thinking to complete my online AutoCAD course but due to procrastination, I can’t even open it for being too lazy. Yesterday, I’ve decided to at least complete one-week lectures for an online course. So, I gather my stuff during midnight around 2 am because I am more productive at midnight and successfully completed my online course lectures within just 2 hours by following this technique.

I am planning to make this a habit to increase the productivity of my daily tasks and for time management as well.

